domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2014

Game fixing in El Salvador

What do you think of game fixing in the context of the current debate?
I heard about this troubling situation in the news, but we should have anticipated it. Why? Because the soccer team players do not earn a lot of money. Around soccer, there are a lot of interests and a hidden market in which organized betting moves large amounts of money. El Salvador is a small country and it is classified as middle income, although it does not have control of the money that comes from the mafia or drug trafficking, for such reason, this situation is easy to happen. Nevertheless, Salvadorian society has never known how much money circulates around this. The Federation International of Football Association (FIFA) says that soccer moves approximately $500,000 million, and also it recognizes that racketeering earns about $15,000 million. Therefore, the fixing of the result of the soccer game is common in the world. It is not only a particular situation to El Salvador, it is something more generalized.
To deal with this situation, it would be necessary to have a policy to the accountability of the money around soccer, not only concern the money that comes from the entrance fee, rather also than coming of gambles. If the soccer matches move a lot of money it could be possible to design a special tax to finance the education or health of the children and adolescents. This could give soccer, not only a de-stressing activity but rather a laudable goal for our society.
Other situation that´s important to remark is the characteristics of the soccer players. They are the reflection of 75% of Salvadorian population, and who do not have the income to complete and satisfy their basics needs. Most of them are humble and more vulnerable to fall in this kind of deal. But, not only the economic part reflexes the Salvadorian reality; soccer players have not had the opportunity to develop themselves. The main opportunity that they have is that they know how to play well.
Most of the time, the government uses soccer matches to distract the population, who may be worried about the national economic and social situation, it is also a way to de-stress people. Salvadorian love their national soccer team. Most of children admire and follow all the matches with the hope of celebrating the victories. If government would had   another vision, it would use this role model of the soccer players to change some bad behaviour and to make other kinds of citizens. If they try to offer integrated development to young soccer players, and involve them in educative activities, -soccer schools, soccer journal, discipline practices, forum and other cultural activities-, they would have different motivations and values.

Recently, in some schools teachers are promoting a programme called “Juego Limpio”, for the children breaks´, this is a good practice. Most of the students like it, because they can participate and have healthy competition, without need to always win. Thus, sports, and in our particular case, soccer is an important instrument to provide others channels to children to express their energy and strength. Some municipalities’ uses this to distract youth from violence or becoming involved with guns. Therefore national government needs to think in a different way about this sport and change its´ constrains scope for other more integrated and comprehensive.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

reflexionemos sobre el cártel de texis

Que barbaridad!!!!
Toda una serie de investigaciones, datos, grabaciones, y hasta ahora ninguna de las instituciones del Estado ha sido capaz de iniciar un proceso judicial... preguntas

¿Qué sucede con nuestras instituciones?
¿Para quién legislan los diputados?
¿A quiénes se deben nuestros jueces?
¿Cuál es el valor de la policia?
¿Cuáles son los valores de las personas involucradas?
¿Será que nuestro gran problema son las pandillas, o es la sinverguenzada de salvadoreños comunes, que parecen gente "decente"?